Page 33 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 33

HARUN YAHYA                         31

                   They stayed in their Cave for three hundred years and
                   added nine. Say: 'God knows best how long they stayed.
                   The Unseen of the heavens and the Earth belongs to Him.
                   How perfectly He sees, how well He hears! They have no
                   protector apart from Him. Nor does He share His rule with
                   anyone.'  (Surat al-Kahf: 25-26)

                   Then We woke them up again so that we might see which
                   of the two groups would better calculate the time they had
                   stayed there. We will relate their story to you with truth.
                   They were young men who had belief in their Lord and We
                   increased them in guidance.  (Surat al-Kahf: 12-13)
                   These examples show, how those who seek a middle road be-
               tween Darwinism and Islam are mistaken. Because with that log-
               ic, people are unable to account for any of the examples revealed
               in the Qur'an. Since these people have been influenced by natu-
               ralist dogma, the cornerstone of Darwinists' ideas, they attempt to
               account for the origin of Man and living things through the laws
               of nature. But they make a grave error to think that God created
               living things in a manner limited by these laws (Surely God is be-
               yond that!). Therefore, they believe in a creation by means of one
               species developing into another through such imaginary mecha-

               nisms as mutation, natural selection and speciation.
                   It is a serious error for a Muslim to fall prey to such a per-
               verted logic. Our Almighty Lord has the power to create in the
               manner of His choosing. A sincere Muslim must be able to prop-
               erly appreciate Almighty God, He Who is free of all imperfec-
               tions, and must never be taken in by evolutionist dogma, indoc-
               trination and deception.


                                       A Adnan  Oktar r
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