Page 38 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 38
The Responsibility that Results from
Avoiding This Great Intellectual Struggle
Devout believers carry out their responsibilities by striving
to spread religious moral values with great enthusiasm. In com-
municating the message, they fully identify elements that ob-
struct the spread of religious morality values and which prevent
people from living by it, and wage an effective war against these
ideas. Darwinism, the allegedly scientific cornerstone of material-
ism and atheism, is today the most important factor turning peo-
ple away from religious moral values. For that reason alone, it
would be exceedingly wrong for believers to remain silent in the
face of Darwinist propaganda.
It is pointless to avoid the intellectual struggle against
Darwinism, as well as to say that one feels uneasy at all the trou-
bles being experienced in the world, at social degeneration and
the various difficulties facing Muslim peoples. Because those who
sincerely wish to extend a helping hand to those facing troubles
and difficulties, who wish to achieve a permanent solution to
hunger, poverty and injustice, and end conflicts, establish peace,
who wish Muslims all over the world to be loved and respected,
and sacred values to be protected as they ought—these people
have a duty to fight Darwinism on the intellectual plane. It is im-
possible for their hopes and desires to become a reality until
Darwinism is eradicated. So long as Darwinism survives, materi-
alism and atheism will continue to influence people and to turn
them away from religious morality. These problems just listed
will inevitably arise in climates in wherever religious moral pre-
cepts are ignored.
In the fight against malaria, the important thing is to elimi-
nate mosquito breeding grounds. In the same way, resolving so-