Page 39 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 39
cial problems entails eradicating their "breeding ground"—
Darwinism. Some may try killing mosquitoes one by one, but un-
less their breeding waters are dried up, such people can spend all
their time swatting mosquitoes, but still need to start all over
again the very next morning.
It is of course important to engage in separate efforts aimed
at eliminating injustice, poverty and social inequality and putting
an end to conflict. But to arrive at a permanent solution and
achieve the desired outcome, it is essential that Darwinism
should be literally neutralized. With Darwinism's eradication,
these problems will come to a natural end, because their intellec-
tual underpinning will have disappeared.
Thus in the light of that awareness, all Muslims must once
again consider, what a great responsibility the intellectual struggle
against Darwinism actually is. God informs us in the Qur'an that
those who sit back with no good excuse will not receive the same
reward as those who strive with all the means at their disposal:
Those believers who stay behind other than those forced to
by necessity—are not the same as those who struggle in the
Way of God, sacrificing their wealth and themselves. God
has given those who struggle with their wealth and them-
selves a higher rank than those who stay behind. (Surat an-
Nisa': 95)
Naturally, true believers seek to obtain as much of God's ap-
proval as they can. For that reason, they have a responsibility to
use all the means available to them to wage an intellectual strug-
gle against atheism and against Darwinism, which serves as athe-
ism's cornerstone.
One verse reads, "Those who disbelieve spend their wealth
barring access to the Way of God. They will spend it..." (Surat al-
A Adnan Oktar r