Page 86 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 86
Darwinism's influ-
ence on Hitler is evi-
dent from his book
Mein Kampf
["My Struggle"].
racist theories was
Darwin's theory of
evolution. As he stat-
ed in his book Mein
Kampf, he had been
inspired by the very "struggle for survival" that Darwin imagined
to exist in nature. Just as Darwin had, Hitler attributed ape-like
status to non-European races and wrote, "Take away the North
German Europeans from the history of mankind, and nothing re-
mains but a monkey dance." 17
At the 1933 Nuremberg party rally, Hitler proclaimed that
"Higher race subjects a lower race to itself… a right which we see
in nature and which can be regarded as the sole conceivable
right…" Believing in the Aryans' alleged superiority, Hitler
claimed that superiority had been imparted by nature. That was
the Nazi movement's ultimate objective, and their first step to
achieving it was to separate inferior races from the Aryan "master
race," and isolate them. At this point, the Nazis moved to imple-
menting the theory of eugenics, which again had its roots in
Darwinism Approves and Confirms Eugenic
Eugenics—which mustered a large number of supporters in