Page 89 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 89

HARUN YAHYA                          87

               handicapped, the crippled, people born blind and with inherited
               diseases were rounded up into special "sterilization centers."
               These people were regarded as parasites impairing the purity and
               progress of the German race. Indeed, these people separated from

               society as a whole began being killed shortly afterwards, on the
               basis of a secret order from Hitler.
                   The true cause of the countless disasters inflicted on the 20 th
               century was the ruthless nature of such atheists as Hitler's Nazis
               followers. These people denied the existence of God and believed
               the lie that human beings were animals who had progressed by
               evolving. They regarded themselves as unfettered individuals
               with responsibility to no one. Since they had no fear of God and
               the Hereafter, their immorality and cruelty knew no bounds in
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