Page 16 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 16
Harun Yahya
Like many other creatures in the natural
world, termites display amazing characteris-
tics. Below, we see a queen candidate created
with the wings she needs for her mating
flight. The worker termite (right) is provided
with all the abilities it needs to fulfill its re-
diers, workers and a queen. The queen constantly lays eggs to increase
the colony. The workers ceaselessly supply all the needs of the nest,
and the soldiers protect the eggs from enemies and the nest as a whole
from intruders. When necessary, all members of the colony share in the
work of others, even though it is not their duty. But because of this
communication and distribution of responsibilities, the number of ter-
mites in a nest can number more than one million, and still survive
with no difficulty at all.
The following chapters detail the social organization of termite
colonies and provide information about their habitat. But during this
investigation, never forget that the creatures that perform all the tasks
we'll be discussing are no larger than a few centimeters (2.54 centime-
ters=1 inch).
From time to time, we'll compare termites with human beings in
order to demonstrate that termites' comfortable life and amazing so-
cial organization is hardly something they could have created by