Page 21 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 21

Adnan Oktar

                                                                The queen and the
                                                                king are very im-
                                                                portant for the col-
                                                                ony. The workers
                                                                pay special atten-
                                                                tion to the queen.
                                                                Unlike other mem-
                                                                bers of the colony,
                                                                the queen and the
                                                                king have wings;
                                                                they lose them aft-
                                                                er mating.

                 Now let's look more closely at the other members of the termite

                 The Alates

                 The alates' bodies are blackish-brown in color. They have two
            wings on either side of their bodies, one of the major differences that
            distinguish them from other members of the colony. Two other charac-

            teristics that distinguish the alates are their visual and procreative abil-
            ities. Those members that can reproduce develop twice a year, but on-
            ly at certain seasons of the year.

                 The alates wait in their own dark chamber until they're ready to
            leave the nest. This is important for the security of the colony and to
            prevent chaos. If there were more than one prospective king or queen
            in the nest, discipline would break down and confusion would take
            over in the colony. For this reason, worker termites take ample precau-

            tions so that there is only one king and one queen in the nest.

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