Page 25 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 25

Adnan Oktar

                 Information Exchange Between the Queen and
                 the Workers

                 Although the queen doesn't communicate directly with the other
            termites, she knows what her nest requires. Even her body has at-
            tained a length of 10 cm (5.5. inches) and she must lie motionless
            throughout the egg-laying period, she knows the needs of the nest; she
            is aware if there is any confusion and what class of termite is needed

            to remedy it.
                 How can she remain aware of such an extraordinary trove of in-
            formation? This is a clear proof of the faultless and flawless function-
            ing of a system created by God.
                 As stated earlier, the queen is fed by the workers, and during this
            feeding, what is happening in the colony is transmitted to her uninter-

            ruptedly. The workers give her this information through secretions.
            All termites produce secretions on their bodies, by which the queen is
            informed of the state of the colony. When a worker is feeding her, the
            queen becomes aware of the needs of the colony. For example, if a sol-

            In the picture is the queen termite surrounded by workers. The queen continu-
            ally lays eggs while being fed by the workers. In this feeding relationship, the
            workers keep the queen informed about what is going in the nest.
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