Page 27 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 27
Adnan Oktar
This is one of the wonders of a termite colony. In the colonies, it is
not clear from the moment of their birth what caste the individuals
will belong to and what kind of work they will do. At birth all the lar-
vae are undifferentiated. The larvae's future duties and responsibilities
will be determined by the present needs of the colony, according to
which the queen secretes a substance which the workers deliver to the
larvae. 5
Clearly, the queen cannot determine what individuals her colony
requires. For what seems to be thought, judgment and decision mak-
ing on the part of the queen, there is only one explanation: Her activi-
ties must be under the control of some power. The queen's supervision
of the nest is under God's inspiration. It is He Who teaches every liv-
ing creature on Earth how they are to behave.
And in your creation and all the creatures He has spread about
there are Signs for people with certainty. (Surat al-Jathiyya:4)
Worker Termites
The workers that care for the nest are infertile, blind and wing-
less. Soft-bodied and cream-colored, they reach adolescence in one
year, with a lifespan of between 3 and 5 years.
Except from egg-laying and defending the nest, worker termites
do all the other chores; they construct the
tunnels and chambers, expanding and
repairing them when necessary. Until
they come of age, as larvae they need to
be cared for. The queen, equally unable
to supply her own needs, must also be
looked after. Again, the workers tend to
This 1- to 2-cm (0.3- to 0.7-
all this. Some species of termites feed on inch) creature pictured
fungus, which the workers grow right here does all the work in a
termite colony.
Community Organization among Termites 25