Page 26 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 26

Harun Yahya

                                                                  The king termite
                                                                  (the dark one pic-
                                                                  tured on the left)
                                                                  is larger than oth-
                                                                  er members of the
                                                                  colony and is al-
                                                                  ways at the
                                                                  queen's side. The
                                                                  worker termites
                                                                  provide every-
                                                                  thing needed to
                                                                  care for the king
                                                                  and the queen.

              dier is killed in an attack, the queen receives news of it through chem-
              icals secreted by the worker feeding her.
                   If many soldiers have been lost, as a first precaution the queen se-

              cretes a compound that causes young termites to develop into soldiers,
              which chemical is delivered to the young termites by the workers. In
              this way, it is determined to what caste the young termites will belong.
                   It is necessary to analyze a fluid in order to determine what it con-
              tains and to do so, a laboratory is required. Instruments used for the

              analysis must be able to detect the contents of the fluid; and of course,
              those doing the analysis must be trained in the field and have the req-
              uisite knowledge. The queen termite analyzes the fluids in a very short
              time and does so throughout her whole life. She secretes the fluid ap-

              propriate to particular needs, ensuring the proper organization for the
              survival of her colony's hundreds of thousands of termites. The ter-
              mites carrying the substance secreted by the queen know what they
              must do because they can perceive the code hidden in the secretion

              and recognize its significance. Therefore, all other termites in the colo-
              ny have the same ability to analyze.

              24                     THE MIRACLE OF TERMITES
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