Page 61 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 61
Adnan Oktar
It takes a lot of
effort for a group
of 30 to 40 indi-
viduals to live to-
gether. Good or-
ganization is es-
However, count-
less termites
have lived to-
gether for mil-
lions of years
without trouble
or confusion.
ization would be required to avoid confusion and breakdowns in the
system. There would have to be a very good communication and la-
bor-distribution systems.
It is extremely difficult for one million human beings to work to-
gether as one. Indeed, problems arise when only 30 or 40 people try to
live together in a group. To establish order in such an organization
would take at least a good amount of time.
Human beings are the only creatures in the world with intelli-
gence. They have the powers of judgment and technological skill, and
they can plan for the future. A termite is an insect 1 to 2 cm (0.3 to 0.7
of an inch)-long. This comparison is to show how important it is for
termites to live together successfully in a colony. As you'll see in later
pages, termites lack the intelligence that would allow them to build
skyscrapers and install heating/cooling systems.
Communication in a Termite Colony 59