Page 59 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 59

Adnan Oktar

                 In one moment of creation,
            God made soldier termites
            with their special endow-
            ments and a mouth structure
            that prevents them from feed-
            ing themselves. At the same

            moment, He made worker ter-
            mites with their selfless industrious-
            ness, and the queen with her astound-
            ing reproductive ability.
                 The attentiveness of worker termites to
            the duties inspired in them and their care for
            feeding the whole colony are manifestations of
                                                              When we look at this 25-
            God’s signs. In the Qur'an, God tells us that He
                                                              million-year-old termite
            feeds all creatures:                              preserved in amber, we
                 How many creatures do not carry their        can see no difference be-
                                                              tween it and today's ter-
                 provision with them! God provides for        mites.
                 them and He will for you. He is the All-
                 Hearing, the All-Knowing. (Surat al-'An-
                 kabut: 60)

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