Page 55 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 55

Adnan Oktar

           Termites feed on wood. Thanks
           to microorganisms living in
           their guts, termites can break
           down the cellulose in the wood
           into enzymes. These microor-
           ganisms can be seen in the pic-
           ture above on the right.

            tionship between termites and their protozoa presents a problem for
            evolutionists. Why do these single-celled creatures attach themselves

            to termites, break down cellulose and give it to their hosts to ensure
            their survival?
                 These two different creatures living together and complementing

            each other's physical systems is clear proof that they could not have
            come into existence—much less together—by chance. Everywhere we
            are confronted by the evident fact that the world functions according

            to a flawless system. This implies that Someone ensures this order; it

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