Page 50 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 50
Harun Yahya
On the left can be seen a
soldier termite doing battle
with an ant. Soldier termites
will not hesitate to defend
the security of the colony
and generally they die in the
process. This self-sacrifice
of soldier termites proves
that the claims of evolution-
ists are baseless.
Self-Sacrificing Termites Disprove the Theory
of Evolution
This kind of self-sacrifice found in termites clearly refutes Charles
Darwin's claim that only the "stronger will survive." The idea that
weaker individuals are eliminated is one of evolution's basic assump-
tions. The basis of this mechanism is that physically strong creatures
survive to perpetuate subsequent, stronger generations while the oth-
ers die off. In nature, according to this claim, creatures engage in a
mortal struggle with one another, and the weaker are starved out or
killed off by the stronger. The natural-selection mechanism posits that
creatures are concerned only with their own personal food, shelter and