Page 51 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 51

Adnan Oktar

                 Even without considering other creatures, the self-sacrifice seen
            in termites is enough to refute this claim. If this evolutionists' claim
            were true, there would be no cooperation or self-sacrifice among crea-
            tures; only conflict. But termites show that on the contrary, they are
            willing to risk their lives for other individuals in the colony.
                 Many creatures in nature put their individual lives in danger as

            they sacrifice themselves for other members of their group; sometimes
            they even display concern for creatures not of their own species.
                 John Maynard Smith, a noted evolutionist, sums up the disagree-
            ment among evolutionists about self-sacrificial behavior among spe-
                 Here one of the key questions has to do with altruism: How is it
                 that natural selection can favor patterns of behavior that appar-

                 ently do not favor the survival of the individual? 20
                 In his book Evrim Kurami ve Bagnazlik (The Theory of Evolution
            and Bigotry) Cemal Yildirim, a noted Turkish proponent of evolution,
            writes that animal behavior cannot be explained by natural selection.
            He gives the example of a mother animal's love for her babies:

                 Can a mother's love be explained by the blind process of natural
                 selection, which has no spiritual aspects? For such questions, it's
                 hardly possible for Darwinist biologists to give satisfactory an-
                 swers. 21
                 There is only one explanation for how creatures without a reason-

            ing mind can feel compassion and mercy and display self-sacrificial
            behavior and a species-protective instinct. It is God Who gives crea-
            tures these characteristics. In the Qur'an, He gives examples from the
            animal world and reveals that they act under His inspiration. Birds,
            butterflies, ants, tigers, elephants, whales, giraffes—in short, all living
            things in nature—act under His inspiration. Everything in the uni-
            verse, both animate and inanimate, exists by His word. Everything we

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