Page 46 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 46

Harun Yahya

                No matter how large an aggressor may be, soldier termites defend them-
                selves without hesitation. Above can be seen a soldier termite defending
                itself against a much larger ant.

                   For example, ants have a fluid in their bodies called hemolymph

              that functions like blood. When wounded, their bodies produce a
              chemical substance that causes the hemolymph to solidify and the
              wound to heal. The termites' poisonous secretion renders this chemi-
              cal substance ineffective. 16
                   It is certain evidence of creation that an insect between 1 and 2 cm
              (0.3 to 0.7 in) long knows the bodily secretions of another creature, is
              aware of a formula that will destroy the composition of those secre-
              tions and produces in its own body a substance with this formula.

              Without appropriate training, not even human beings can learn the es-
              sential elements of which the bodies of other creatures are composed

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