Page 42 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 42

Harun Yahya

              with poison. Some species synthesize a very strong poison that they
              store in their bodies without suffering any harm. The poisons pro-
              duced by termites differ according to species, and the way each spe-
              cies uses it is also different.
                   For example, soldiers of the subfamily of Rhino-termitidae kill an
              aggressor by smearing its body with poison. This species has a short-

              er lower jaw and long upper jaw, with ends like a brush. This special
              mouth structure is quite effective in allowing the termite to smear the
              body of any aggressor. And since a soldier termite can store up to 35%
              of its body weight in poison, the amount it secretes can kill thousands
              of ants. 13
                   Prorhinotermes also smears poison as a defensive strategy. This
              species of termite lives in Florida, and the jaws of the workers contain
              a poisonous substance called  nitroalkene. Another  species,  the

                    The Rhinotermes soldier termite
                    kills an intruder by smearing it with
                    poison (right).

                        The jaw of Prorhinotermes se-
                        cretes a poison (nitroalkane).

                               THE MIRACLE OF TERMITES
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