Page 40 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 40
Harun Yahya
Evolutionists claim that organs and systems like these have come
into being by chance. Random events allegedly produced whatever
chemical formula was required and created a system to produce that
chemical substance in the body of the first termite; later, other chance
events occurred, producing substances that in turn produced chemical
substances, one by one. The organs and other systems in the termite's
body developed immunity from the poison. In this way, one chance
event followed after another for millions or even hundreds of millions
of years, until termites finally emerged as we know them today.
Elaborating this fairytale scenario makes it clear just how illogical
these evolutionist claims are. Chance events cannot create even the
single cell of a living being, let alone a fully-formed creature. Chance
would first have to create the cells of the creature, combine them and
form them into organs. It would have to give each organ its special
Human beings
work long hours in
laboratories to pro-
duce chemical sub-
stances. God gave
termites the ability
to do this in their
own bodies.