Page 44 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 44

Harun Yahya

              stop the functioning of the physical system of an aggressor. Is it possi-
              ble to maintain that a termite created such a system by its own will?
              Imagine someone telling you a story like this:
                   "Long ago termites did not have these systems, but one day a ter-

                   mite decided to develop a method of defense against its enemies.
                   The most logical thing to do was to find a method to destroy the
                   enemy's internal systems. Sometimes the enemies were bigger
                   and stronger than the termite itself. Then it decided to produce
                   poison in its own body, assuming that it would be much easier to
                   subdue an enemy this way without expending much effort. It de-
                   veloped various formulas for the poison. To do this it collected
                   the requisite substances in a special secretion gland in its body
                   and began to produce the poison. But before this, it did not forget

                   to develop a layer to the secretion gland to prevent itself from be-
                   ing harmed by the poison. It also gave itself immunity from the
                   poison when it was expelled from its body . . ."
                   This scenario is so silly that even a child would not believe it.
              Termites cannot make decisions or perform chemical operations. But

              evolutionists' claims are no different. They maintain that termites did
              not originally have these poison-producing systems, but produced it
              in their own bodies one day in response to a need. As a matter of fact,
              evolutionists claim that coincidences produced these systems. But nei-
              ther a process of blind chance nor a tiny insect we call a termite can
              conceive, plan and put any system into effect. God is the Creator of
              heaven and Earth and everything in between; it is He Who endowed
              termites with their defense system.

                   Another Amazing Method of Defense

                   Macrotermites live in Africa where they build their nests in the
              shape of mounds. In this species, the soldiers defending the colony are

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