Page 49 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 49
Adnan Oktar
develop new formulas; others test these formulas in various experi-
ments. As opposed to the endless work and expense that human be-
ings go through, when the need arises to produce new chemical sub-
stances, termites can easily synthesize in their bodies these extremely
complex compounds. In addition, they use these compounds expertly
as weapons against their enemies. This is a cause for consideration.
Any intelligent and aware person will understand that such complex
creatures could not have come to be by chance.
How many Signs there are in the heavens and Earth! Yet they
pass them by, turning away from them. Most of them do not be-
lieve in God without associating others with Him. (Surah
Yusuf: 105-106)
Termite Suicide Squads
The soldiers of many termite species are willing to risk their lives
to prevent harm coming to their colony. One of these is a very interest-
ing species that lives in the Malaysian rain forests. These termites are
bombs in motion anatomically and behaviorally. In their bodies they
have a sac containing chemicals that render their enemies helpless. If
one of these termites is seized by an invading ant or other creature, the
muscles in its thorax contract strongly, tearing the secretion gland and
drowning the aggressor in a dark yellow fluid. 18
Another example of interesting battle tactics are some worker ter-
mites that live in South America. When these termites squirt intruders
with a substance in their intestines, their internal organs are torn apart
and they die. 19
If nature is the arena of a life-and-death struggle, as evolutionists
claim, in which every creature struggles to survive, why would an in-
sect sacrifice itself?
The Termite Army 47