Page 67 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 67

Adnan Oktar

            hatched. So, to suppose that termites acquired this ability by them-
            selves and by chance is unscientific and illogical.
                 Receptors are not formed on a creature's body by chance. Chance
            cannot help signals emitted by one creature understood by another. In
            short, no creature acquires its traits by chance.
                 This communication system is taught to termites; or rather, it is

            inspired into them. In the Qur'an, God gives the example of a honey-
            bee; He tells us that this creature moves by His revelation:
                 Your Lord revealed to the bees: "Build dwellings in the moun-
                 tains and the trees, and also in the structures which men erect.
                 Then eat from every kind of fruit and travel the paths of your
                 Lord, which have been made easy for you to follow." From in-
                 side them comes a drink of varying colors, containing healing

                 for humanity. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who
                 reflect. (Surat an-Nahl: 68-69)
                 Like the honeybee, every creature on earth moves by God's reve-
            lation and is totally subject to Him.

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