Page 80 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 80
Harun Yahya
construction ended, 10 million bricks were used; 112,000 meters (367,
454 feet) of water pipes and 5,181,000 meters (5,181,000 feet) of tele-
phone cable were installed. These are the materials that went into the
construction of a skyscraper. Now, let's return to the termite's nest.
Termites are only 1 to 2 cm (0.3 to 0.7 of an inch) long, but they
make giant nests 7 meters (22 feet) high. If compared to buildings
made by human beings, their nests would be twice the present height
of the Empire State building. The magnificence of the termite's work is
obvious. But when we examine the details of a nest's construction, we
see more clearly the perfection of its structure.
The Stages in Construction of a Termite Nest
Termites live for years under the ground and, as the colony reach-
es a certain population, the nests expand towards the surface.
Normally, between 1 and 2 million termites live in a single nest, work-
ing and breathing together. They have a great need for oxygen; so, if
the nests were not ventilated and the humidity level stable, they could
not survive. Therefore, they must construct their nest to supply these
Termites live comfortably in earthen structures without windows
or openings for air to pass through. So, let's examine the amazing sta-
ges of the construction of a termite nest.
Immediately after heavy rains especially, small mounds of soil
will suddenly appear in areas where there had been no termite
mounds before. A nest starts as a small mound, but can rise to a height
of 5 to 6 meters (15 to 19 feet) in the course of months or even years.
Random piles of earth are brought into the nest and used to ex-
pand it. These piles of earth become the central columns that will sup-
port the nest. When these piles reach a certain height, construction
stops. When these earth columns are brought sufficiently close togeth-
er, they are bound together at the top by a circular band.