Page 82 - The Miracle of Termites
P. 82

Harun Yahya

              Those in the middle, apart from their top sections, are then eliminated.
              (Once joined, these will form the top of the dome.) Clay is used for the
              inner construction, or to construct the mound more quickly.
                   The outer structure or the dome is important not only to protect
              the inner structure of the nest from rain or external damage; it's also
              important to stabilize and maintain the temperature and humidity lev-

              els—crucial for the hatching of eggs and care of the young. 35
                   How is it, then, that these blind creatures can construct these ar-
              chitectural masterpieces? How can the nest's order be technically
              maintained even when it is under construction? How can the humidi-
              ty be regulated at every stage, and how are the construction activities
              monitored and directed?
                   In order for such a well-organized system to exist, certainly there
              must be a "will" directing the termites, inspiring them to do their work
              and giving them directions. Of course, this will does not belong to the

              termites; it belongs to God. He is the Almighty Lord of all; He Who di-
              rects every living creature, inspiring in them the work they must do.
                   Everyone must think twice when he sees God's intelligence man-
              ifested in these tiny creatures. We must recall the basic purpose of life
              and try to direct our lives according to the will of the Lord of all.
                   The Qur'an tells us that believers consider the creatures that God
              has created and learn from them. In this book, we hope to show the

              wondrous talents of just one of the millions of species that God has
              created, to remind you that there is no power apart from God and to
              invite you once again to turn to Him. God says in the Qur'an:
                   The kingdom of the heavens and Earth belongs to God. God has
                   power over all things. In the creation of the heavens and the
                   Earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are Signs for

                   people with intelligence: those who remember God, standing,
                   sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the
                   heavens and the Earth: "Our Lord, You have not created this for

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