Page 219 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 219
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
The 6-35 km (4-21 miles)
thick lithosphere. Earth’s
The 2900 km (1.800 miles)
thick Mantle layer formed
from rapidly flowing magma.
The 2000 km (1,250 miles)
thick outer core contain-
ing such molten heavy
metals as nickel and iron.
The 1370 km (851
miles) thick inner
core, which is in a The Lord of in-
crystalline state finite mercy has
because of the in- done everything to
fluence of heat and protect Earth.
high pressure
Earth’s atmosphere is an extraordinary mixture that
brings together the conditions required for life to survive: 77%
nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and about 1% carbon dioxide, argon,
and other gasses. Oxygen causes the chemical reactions that
human beings and other creatures with complex body struc-
tures produce in order to obtain energy. For this reason, we con-
stantly need oxygen, and we breathe in order to supply this
need. The level of oxygen in the air is a very delicate balance. If
the mixture of gasses were different, life could not exist on
Earth. But Allah has ordered the atmosphere perfectly so that
living things can survive and, as a proof of His mercy, main-
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