Page 223 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 223
Allah, Who created the universe from nothing, en-
dowed humanity with the abilities to think, decide, and
choose. For this reason, believers look at the incomparable
creation of the universe by our Lord of endless mercy, con-
templating in amazement His peerless artistry. Everything
they learn allows them to deepen their intellect and increase
their knowledge of the straight path. The universe’s cre-
ation, Earth’s delicate balances, the flawless provision of all
that is needed to sustain life allow people to better under-
stand Allah’s eternal power and might. But there is also an-
other miracle that pervades each person’s life at every mo-
ment: one’s own physical body.
Every aspect of the human body contains great won-
ders. For example, the operation of every one of its trillions
of cells and extraordinary internal systems contain obvious
proofs that enable people to grasp more deeply the name
of Allah as the All-Merciful and Most Merciful. The on-
ly thing that they need to do is to think
in more detail about how He causes