Page 226 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 226
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful
where the egg secretes a fluid so that the sperm can find it.
All of these operations happen under Allah’s protection and
thus perform their functions perfectly. The egg and the
sperm act as if they were conscious beings. However, when
we say that the egg secretes a fluid, we are not talking about
a person or a conscious being. This small mass of protein has
no power to decide anything. Moreover, the fact that it pro-
duces and secretes a sperm-attracting chemical compound is
clear evidence of Allah’s endless power, knowledge, and in-
comparable creation. Allah has created the female and made
reproductive systems as mutually compatible in every de-
tail. This miraculous creation goes on for nine months, until
a child is born. Every second of this extraordinary process is
A fertilized egg starts its journey through
the fallopian tube and grows quickly.
After four days, it becomes a 64-celled
embryo; five to six days later, the em-
bryo attaches itself to
the uterine wall.
Four days
a 64-celled
The fallopian
The uterus
Embryo after 5-6 days
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