Page 231 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 231
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
that the organelles function without interruption, it provides
the required material from outside. In doing this, the cell
membrane takes in only the amount of material that the cell
needs. In addition, it locates harmful waste material in the
cell and immediately ejects it. The function of the cell mem-
brane is vital; it does not accept the slightest mistake. Any
mistake or miscalculation, no matter how small, could de-
stroy the cell. Allah makes the cell membrane, which is
formed from fat and protein molecules, perform these
miraculous functions and prepares this extraordinary sys-
tem to sustain human life.
While the fetus is developing in the mother’s
womb, each of its millions of cells must find the place where
it belongs. For this purpose, they must engage in what is
known as cell migration. During this journey, timing is just
as important as locating the right place, for an error no larg-
er than one one-hundredth of a centimeter or one one-hun-
dredth of a second could cause, for example, a foot to grow
from the head or an ear from the chest. But system functions
so perfectly that such errors never occur. Cells travel to their
place in the embryo over a special road. When they arrive at
their destination, they recognize it for what is and remain
there. That is, millions of cells know beforehand the right
road to their destination and, moreover, they decide to start
out on their journey and to stop when they arrive at the
place where they are going. And so stomach cells are not
confused with liver cells, and wonderfully functioning in-
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