Page 243 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 243

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

               growth hormone secreted. Thanks to this system, when
               there is too much growth hormone in the blood, its secretion
               is slowed down. So, how do cells know how much growth
               hormone is required in the blood? How can they measure
               how much of it is in the blood and decide what to do? This
               secretion also continues in adults. But if adults continued to
               grow and their limbs continued to lengthen, they would be-

               come giants. However, the cells cease to divide and multiply
               when a person reaches a certain height. Scientists still do not
                            know why this happens. All they know is that
                                   the cells are somehow programmed to
                                       end this activity at a certain time. A
                                         person should consider the
                                           power that created this flaw-

                                            less system: Almighty Allah,
                                            Who orders and ensures what
                                            He wills, down to the smallest

                                                    The hormone and the
                                                    nervous systems ensure
                                                    the coordination of the
                                                    body’s cells. When we
                                                    view these systems, we
                                                    understand that a hu-
                                                    man being has no con-
                                                    trol whatsoever on his
                                                    own body, but it is Allah
                                                    Who is the true con-
                                                    troller of our bodies.

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