Page 258 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 258
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful
it. If it were thin and oily, opening and closing the eyes would
be very difficult. Every day, a person’s eyes blink thousands
of times. This involuntary and automatic movement, which
most people do not pay much – if any – attention to, protects
the eyes from contact with intense sunlight and foreign mat-
ter. The fact this movement is automatic is a blessing that
most people are not aware of. If this cleansing were not auto-
matic, blinking would only remind people that some materi-
al needed to be removed from their eyes so that it would not
be infected by germs and that they
could see clearly. As a result,
Eyelids and
eyelashes pro-
tect the eye
from all kinds
of external in-
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