Page 262 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 262
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful
ing (and constant) friction between the eye and the eyelid
whenever our eyes moved would torment us. We can get an
idea of this when eyes, for whatever reason, cannot produce
tears: The person always feels a burning sensation in his or
her eyes, which swell, get red and, in advanced states, may
destroy the person’s eyes.
Eyelashes protect the eye from dust and foreign mat-
ter. If they are plucked or cut off, they grow again. When they
reach their former length, they cease to grow. Eyelashes are
smooth, soft, and curl upwards. Their curved and elastic form
occurs with the help of a greasy secretion from the sebaceous
glands, known as the glands of Zeis, inside the eyelids. If this
were not the case, one’s eyelashes would be like a brush, and
every blink would engender an uncomfortable sticking feel-
ing. Our eyebrows prevent sweat from dripping into our
eyes, break up the Sun’s rays, and prevent them from shining
in our eyes. Besides this, they complete the esthetic appear-
ance of a person’s eyes, for Allah has created human beings to
be beautiful in every detail.
In addition to tears, the eye has a lubrication system.
The eyes move in every direction about one hundred thou-
sand times a day, and this system protects them from becom-
ing worn out. This constant lubrication which produces no
discomfort when the eyes move, protects the eyes from the ef-
fects of friction and foreign matter. If a serious problem arose
with the conjunctiva and lubrication could not occur, every
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