Page 267 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 267

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

              tween this digestive acid and the protective mu-
              cus. When the stomach is empty, the secretion de-
              composes protein (meat products) and does not have
              its corrosive quality. When food containing protein enters the
              stomach, a compound secreted into the stomach turns this be-
              nign substance into a powerful decomposer of protein. So,
              when the stomach is empty, this powerful protein decompos-

              er does not harm the stomach, which is made up of protein.
              This is an extraordinary example of how Allah protects hu-
              man beings.

                           Breathing depends on delicate balances. If we
                   breathe cold or dirty air, our health may be adversely af-
                    fected. Our noses have been created to warm and puri-

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