Page 278 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 278
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful
An adult’s heart pumps
about 340 liters (12,000
The most miraculous quality
ounces) of blood dur-
of blood is its ability to clot, which min- ing sleep. At this
imize the loss of blood due to an injury. speed, a car’s gasoline
tank could be filled
Scientists have pointed to this clotting
within 7 minutes.
mechanism as an example of a perfect
plan and creation, for all of the in-
volved proteins, enzymes, and vita-
mins go about their tasks in perfect or-
der. The body bleeds when it receives
the occasional scratch or cut.
Normally, we would expect the
blood to flow out of such a cut;
instead, it clots and plugs up the
opening. This operation is like
the repairing and stopping up of
a hole in the bottom of a bottle
so that the water will not run
out. This is certainly a great
miracle, for it enables people to
go on living.
Allah, in His endless mercy and
compassion, protects people by this
wonderful process. Clotting is the re-
sult of many enzymes coming together.
Composed of proteins and different
kinds of lifeless, unconscious, and
blind atoms, every one of them starts to
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