Page 284 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 284

In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful

                    smell, you would be rather uncomfortable. Another interest-
                    ing and important fact is that water, even though it evapo-
                    rates at low temperatures, has no smell. So, there would be no
                    difference between a dry rose and one that had been recently
                    watered and still had drops of water on it. In other words, the
                    rose’s natural scent would not be destroyed. And the water
                    vapor in the air would make the smell stronger. For example,

                    water molecules that evaporate after a rainfall raise particles
                    of smell from flowers into the air and help these pleasant
                    scents permeate the surroundings.
                        The variety of smells is a wonderful gift from Allah. It is
                    still unknown how many scents exist in nature, for we can
                    never know the number of different molecules. Attempts
                                   have been made to categorize scents, but

                                       there is such an extraordinary variety of
                                          smells that no satisfactory grouping

                                                 If we could not smell, we could
                                                 take no pleasure from our food or
                                                 drink or know what a lovely scent
                                                 was. We are aware of this impor-
                                                 tant blessing because the All-
                                                 Merciful and Most Merciful has en-
                                                 abled us to smell.

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