Page 294 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 294
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful
The heavenly bodies and the millions of creatures on Earth
live their lives in wonderful harmony. The order in nature has
been stable since the time it was established. And when we
examine life on Earth, we encounter countless amazing
proofs of creation. Such order in the universe and, as a result,
the existence of life in this world, can continue only because a
Creator with supreme intelligence created everything in har-
Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers,
placed the Moon as a light in them, and made the Sun a
blazing lamp? Allah caused you to grow from the soil
[and] then will return you to it and bring you out again.
Allah has spread the land out as a carpet for you so that
you can use its wide valleys as roadways. (Surah Nuh, 15-
Thinking about the name the All-Merciful and Most
Merciful helps people see these proofs and appreciate the
blessings placed at their service. In the following pages, we
will show proofs of Allah’s mercy. Although we come across
them constantly, many of us do not recognize them for what
they are; rather, we think of them as ordinary occurrences.
Consider the example of rain. One of its measure-
ments is related to how heavily it falls. A body of the same
size and weight as a raindrop, if released from a height of
1,200 meters (3,940 feet), will gradually increase in speed and
fall to Earth at about 558 kilometers per hour (346 miles per
hour). However, the speed of raindrop is only 8-10 kilometers
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