Page 298 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 298
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful and Most Merciful
tar, it would flow with great difficulty and could never enter
the body’s millions of capillary vessels. Unlike any other flu-
id, water’s physical and chemical properties were designed to
sustain human life. The world was created for human life; it
also came alive through water, which was specially created as
the foundation of human life, for everything that we eat from
the soil comes about because of water. Thus, water is a very
important blessing:
He [Allah] sends down water from the sky. From it you
drink, and from it come the shrubs among which you
graze your herds. And by it He makes crops grow for you,
as well as olives, dates, grapes, and fruit of every kind.
There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect.
(Surat an-Nahl, 10-11)
Allah created all of these systems so that everything
would live because of water. He created the world with rivers
and other sources of water, and brings forth the clouds and
makes it rain. Allah created everything in such harmony and
interdependence that conscious people will see that there is
only one Allah and that He created all of these things. They
will also understand that Allah is very generous in His love
and mercy for humanity.
Many people may never have considered what a col-
orful world they live in or why so many colors exist. They
have never thought of what a world without color would be
like. Everyone with ordinary vision encounters a world of
color from the moment they are born. A dark and colorless
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