Page 12 - The Struggle of the Messengers
P. 12


             T            hroughout history, Allah has sent messengers to
                          every society to tell them of much vital information,
                          such as the moral values that will be pleasing to
             Him, about what is lawful and unlawful and how true peace and
             happiness can be attained in the hereafter. As we see in the
             Qur'an, the behavior and moral quality of these special people
             have been the best examples to the believers. For this reason, it is
             important for every believer to learn what they experienced
             during their lives.

               What is revealed in the Qur'an about the struggles of the
             Messengers is certainly enlightening and instructive for believers.
             Our Prophet Muhammad (saas) is the last Messenger. As it is
             revealed in the Qur'an:
               Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but the
               Messenger of Allah and the Final Seal of the Prophets. Allah
               has knowledge of all things. (Surat al-Ahzab, 40)
               But as revealed in another verse, "Or did you suppose that you
             would enter the Garden without facing the same as those who
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