Page 13 - The Struggle of the Messengers
P. 13
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 11
came before you? Poverty and illness afflicted them, and they
were shaken to the point that the messenger and those who
believed with him asked: 'When is Allah's help coming?...'"
(Surat al-Baqara, 214), future generations will experience similar
things to what His Messengers have undergone.
Those who are foolishly hostile to our Prophet (saas) and other
Messengers and so try to prevent the spread of the true religion
they communicated will harass the believing community
following their path. As it is revealed in the Qur'an: "Allah desires
to make things clear to you, to guide you to the correct practices
of those before you, and to turn toward you. Allah is All-
Knowing, All-Wise" (Surat an-Nisa', 26). All Muslims will
witness this. And so it is very important for them to examine
carefully what is revealed in the Qur'an about the Messengers'
The examples given in this book serve to remind believers of
the Messengers' good moral character and sincere efforts. The
Qur'an contains many stories about these people, for: "There is
instruction in their stories for people of intelligence. This is not
a narration that has been invented, but a confirmation of all that
came before, a clarification of everything, and a guidance and a
mercy for people who believe" (Surah Yusuf, 111).