Page 29 - The Struggle of the Messengers
P. 29

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                  27

             society's traditional norms. The message of Prophets and believers
             thus impinge on unbelievers' interests.
               Something else that upsets the society's leaders is that, despite
             their power, respectability, and authority, a person who is not one
             of them has been accepted and is now exposing their own

             falsehoods and those of their system by his religious and moral way
             of life. As we stated earlier, since they evaluate matters very
             foolishly and think in a very distorted manner these leaders cannot
             tolerate even the idea that a Messenger could get the better of them.
               Given that Allah's Messengers are the wisest and morally the
             purest individuals in the world, the leading unbelievers are
             jealous of them and try to embarrass them in the eyes of society.
             But it is in fact only themselves who end up embarrassed. For
             example, the Meccan unbelievers leveled many false accusations
             against our Prophet (saas), hoping that their mocking words and
             insults would debase one so high in Allah's Sight in the believers'
             eyes. But they failed, for such attempts only increased the

             believers' zeal and strengthened their unity. Allah describes some
             of the slanders uttered by these people:
               Those who do not believe say: "This is nothing but a lie he has
               invented, and other people have helped him to do it." They
               have brought injustice and falsehood. They say: "It is myths of
               previous peoples that he has had transcribed and that are read
               out to him in the morning and the evening." Say: "The One
               Who sent it down is He Who knows all of the hidden secrets in
               the heavens and earth. He is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
               (Surat al-Furqan, 4-6)

               Another reason why the great majority of leaders react against
             a Messenger is because according to their own distorted value
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