Page 32 - The Struggle of the Messengers
P. 32

30                     The Struggle of the Messengers

             distorted logic, such a person must have great material wealth so
             that he will be obeyed. These foolish expectations on the part of
             unbelievers are revealed thus in the Qur'an:

               We have provided throughout this Qur'an all kinds of
               examples for people, but most people spurn anything but
               disbelief. They say: "We will not believe you until you make a
               spring gush out from the ground for us; or have a garden of
               dates and grapes through which you make rivers come
               pouring; or make the sky, as you claim, fall down on us in
               lumps; or bring Allah and the angels here as a guarantee; or
               possess a house built out of gleaming gold; or ascend up into
               heaven – and even then we will not believe in your ascent
               unless you bring us down a book to read!" Say: "Glory be to my
               Lord! Am I anything but a human messenger?" (Surat al-Isra',
               However, believers attach themselves to a Messenger not
             because of his wealth but because Allah has chosen him. They
             obey him because of his faith in and closeness to Allah.
             Unbelievers cannot appreciate this, for they think that people
             obey the Messengers because of their wealth. So, this is one of the
             reasons why they attack a Messenger and believers, and initiate a
             struggle. A striking example revealed by Allah in the Qur'an of
             the immoral attitude of the elite toward Messengers, and where

             that immorality and unintelligence leads them can be seen in the
             struggle between the Prophet Moses (as) and Pharaoh.

               The Prophet Moses (as) and Pharaoh

               As revealed in the Qur'an, Pharaoh was an oppressor who
             ruled the Egyptians with his material and military might. He
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