Page 19 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 19

Harun Yahya                           17

                                                  On the left is the anatomical structure of lar-
                                 Spiracles        vae, whose care is undertaken by other bees. It
                                                  is absolutely impossible for such a creature,
                                                  which resembles an eyeless morsel of flesh, to
                                                  make its own decisions and to produce the
                                                  chemical substances necessary for its develop-


             Silk glands  Excretory  Hindgut
                                                      Developmental stages of young bees

            such a claim would be tantamount to accepting that the larval bee pos-
            sesses the information needed to manufacture the chemical formula and is
            capable of mathematical calculations. That would be an unscientific fan-
               However, one most important point needs emphasizing here. Even if
            the creature in question did possess conscious awareness, that would still
            alter nothing, because it is out of the question for any living thing to de-
            velop, on its own, a system, which doesn’t already exist in its body.
            Human beings, for example, are the only living things in nature which
            possess logic and reason. Despite that, however, it is impossible for hu-
            mans to develop inside their own bodies’ systems to enable the produc-

            tion of even a very simple chemical formula. That being so, it would be
            illogical and irrational to maintain that an insect could no something that
            human beings, with their reason and consciousness, cannot.
               How does the thread used by the larva in cocoon spinning come about?

                                         Adnan Oktar
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