Page 20 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 20

18                  THE MIRACLE OF THE HONEYBEE

              In order to answer this question, let’s first enumerate the substances that
              constitute it. One of these, fibroin, is a combination of glycol, alanine,
              leucine, arginine and tyrosine, in specific proportions. Another of its com-
              ponents, sericin, is a compound of very exact proportions of serine, ala-
              nine and leucine. The thread used by the larvae in spinning their cocoons
              also contains such substances as wax, fat and resin.
                 As we have seen, a large number of chemical substances need to come
              together in very exact proportions to form the thread. Suppose we now
              conduct an experiment and wait for the simplest substance among these
              to come into being by itself. No matter how long we wait, no matter what
              processes we carry out, the result will always be the same. Whether we
              wait for days, months, or even millions of years, not one of the atoms com-
              prising these substances, let alone those substances themselves, can ever
              come into existence by chance. That being so, it’s totally illogical and irra-
              tional to claim that each substance in the thread the larvae use to spin their
              cocoons emerged by chance, and that later—again by chance—they came
              together to form the thread itself.
                 The formation of this thread is just one of the many processes necessary
              in order for a bee to hatch out of its chamber and become able to fly. All
              these mechanisms have to be present in order, at exactly the same time, in
              order for the larva to develop into an adult bee. The slightest defect, and
              the bee larva will fail to develop, leading to its death. That, in turn, will
              lead to gradual extinction of the species. The conclusion we reach is that,
              contrary to what evolutionists would have us believe, bees did not emerge
              of their own accord over the passage of time, but came into being in a sin-
              gle moment, with all their systems in working order. This shows that bees
              are the work of a Creator. That Creator is God, Who rules the entire uni-
              verse and Who possesses superior wisdom.
                 It is God Who sets out the sorts of features that bees should possess,
              Who creates all of these in a perfect form, Who inspires the larva to spin its
              cocoon—and Who, in short, directs every action that bees take.
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