Page 25 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 25
Harun Yahya 23
form of behavior, then determine that such behavior would give it signifi-
cant long-term advantages, and then, as the result of a conscious decision,
make that behavior “instinctive” and permanent.
Yet no such decision-taking mechanism can belong to any of the living
things in nature. They are not only unable to select and propagate any
form of behavior that might prove advantageous, but they are even un-
aware of their own situation.
Take the example of the cocoon-spinning larva examined in the preced-
ing section. At a specific time, as we saw, worker bees cap the opening of
the cell in the comb and the larva enshrouds itself in its own cocoon. What
is more, all honeybees, whether they live in Africa or Australia, have been
carrying out these same processes for millions of years. In other words,
this instinct is common to all bees. Yet how do the worker bees and larvae
establish that the most suitable developmental environment is within the
cocoon? Is it possible for them to calculate this and make the necessary de-
At this point, evolutionists find themselves in a grave inconsistency.
The series of selections they claim can be made only by a superior power.
Only a conscious entity can give these creatures the features and instinc-
tive behavior they require. Yet to accept that premise is to accept the exis-
tence of a Creator. To put it another way, the flawless design in nature
belongs to God, and all forms of behavior defined as “instinctive” are in-
spired by Him. Evolutionists are actually well aware of this. They know
that such a small and unconscious creature as the honeybee can never pos-
sess these extraordinary abilities by its own will. Yet even though evolu-
tionists see the superior power of God and realize the impossibility of
their own claims, still they refuse to abandon their theory.
In the past, there have been people who shared that exact same mind-
set. At the time of Prophet Moses (peace be upon him), there were some
who ignored the evident miracles that this blessed prophet performed and
continued to deny the manifest existence of God. In the Qur’an, God re-
According to evolutionists, every living thing fights to protect its own in-
terests. Yet bees exhibit a striking cooperation, and the order stemming
from that cooperation—quite incompatible with evolutionist claims—is
clear evidence that bees act in accordance with God’s inspiration.