Page 28 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 28

                               DILEMMA FOR DARWINISM

             The conscious behavior of bees is one  the moment the cuckoo hatches, is
             of those surprises that pose an insol-  one of the phenomena that made it
             uble dilemma for followers of       so difficult for Darwin to defend his
             Darwin. Yet the theory of evolution  theory.
             cannot explain not only the behavior  Similarly, some ants kidnap the lar-
             of bees, but that of a great many   vae of other species of ant and en-
             other creatures. Female cuckoos, for  slave them—another example of
             example, lay an egg in other species’  animal behavior that poses a
             nests and leave it to hatch and be  dilemma for Darwin. The most impor-
             reared by these foster parents. In this  tant characteristic of these so-called
             way, they ensure that their own off-  slave-making ants is the way they
             spring are looked after by another  fight to extract another colony’s lar-
             species. The young cuckoo hatches   vae, rear them, and then use them as
             before the other eggs in the nest,  slave labor for their own purposes. In
             even though it joins them later, and  doing this, slave-making ants imitate
             the first thing it does is to push the  the alarm-scent given off by the
             other eggs out, selecting a time    other colony and instill panic in its
             when the parent birds are absent in  members. As the members of the
             order to do this. The young cuckoo  colony under attack flee, the slave-
             thus guarantees its own survival.   making ants seize their food stores
             This conscious behavior, displayed
                                                 and kidnap their larvae.

           These pictures show a fe-
              male cuckoo (side), a
            young cuckoo throwing
          the other bird’s eggs out of
          the nest (middle), and the
             real owner of the nest
          feeding the young cuckoo,
           which has actually grown
             larger than its host (far

            The picture to the immediate above left shows slave-making ants. The conscious behavior of
            these insects places evolutionists, who seek to defend the idea that living things emerged by
            chance, in a very difficult position. Such a difficult position, in fact, that the statements they
            make on this subject are actually admissions of the invalidity of the theory of evolution.
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