Page 29 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 29
Harun Yahya 27
Bees Deal a Lethal Blow to the “Instinct” Claim
No matter how much evolutionists may ignore the behavior of living
things in nature, it refutes their claims. Bees, with their social order and
conscious behavior, are just some of the animals that deal a fatal blow to
the claims of evolutionists.
No “struggle for survival” of the kind that evolutionists propose is ever
to be seen in beehives. On the contrary, bees behave most altruistically to-
wards one another and display great cooperation. A comparison of the
general order within the hive will be enough to demonstrate that the intel-
ligent, altruistic and disciplined behavior of bees does not arise from these
creatures themselves and cannot come about by chance.
If we imagine the same number of human beings living together as
there are bees in a hive, and suppose that all these people met all their own
individual needs, then we can more clearly grasp the importance of the
tasks that the bees perform. Let us take the lowest population for a hive—
say 20,000—and imagine that this number of humans lived together in a
closed area. A huge number of problems will inevitably result, such as
cleanliness, food, security and the like. Order in the full sense of the word
will be established only following a division of labor carried out with pre-
cise organization.
In brief, it would be a most demanding process to set up the kind of
order established by bees. Yet from the moment a bee emerges from the
cell, it knows how that order is to be maintained, its duty within that
order, and where, when and in what ways it needs to behave. Moreover,
there are no other bees directing these newly-emerged adults and telling
them what to do. These insects receive no formal training, yet they carry
out their duties in a most disciplined way. That is because bees were cre-
ated together with their characteristics by God. As we have already seen
in Surat an-Nahl, God has inspired their behavior in them. It is God, Lord
of infinite might and knowledge, Who brings about the order and impec-
cable discipline among the tens of thousands of bees living together in
their dark hive.
Adnan Oktar