Page 33 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 33

Harun Yahya                           31

            tion. He is the one and only source of their intelligent behavior and the
            abilities they possess.

               The Main Stages in the Lives of Worker Bees

               First Stage: Cleaning Brood Cells
               As soon as the worker bees hatch, they begin supporting activities in
            the hive in a most surprising manner. They have no guides or teachers to
            show them what to do, yet from the moment they emerge from their cells,
            they behave in a very conscious manner. Each bee has its own specific du-

            When it first emerges from its cell, a bee’s body is soaking wet, its hairs all stuck together. It
            combs out these hairs with its feet and then immediately sets about cleaning the brood cell
            from which it emerged, making it ready for the queen to lay another egg within.

                                         Adnan Oktar
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