Page 35 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 35

Harun Yahya                           33

               Second Stage: Tending Larvae
               From the third day of their lives onward, worker bees set about the task
            of feeding the larvae, and take great pains over every detail of this job. 16
               Bee larvae require greater care and attention than the young of many
            other animals. But what is significant here is that how the larvae are fed
            changes according to such factors as the age of the larvae and their future
            roles within the hive. In their care of the larvae, the nurse bees stick to a
            special feeding menu.
               Care of the larvae takes place in two phases, depending on their ages:
               1) Worker bees spend the third through the fifth days of their lives
            feeding those larvae which have completed their third days. These they
            feed with the foodstuff known as “bee bread,” a mixture of pollen and
            honey. Since larvae younger than three days are unable to digest this bee

             The larvae in the hive all vary according to their age and how they must be fed. Despite
             this, the worker bees feed the larvae in total order, with no confusion ever arising over the
             duties they will perform in the hive. The workers visit the larvae in their cells throughout
             the day and look after them with the greatest care.

                                         Adnan Oktar
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