Page 37 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 37

Harun Yahya                           35

                                                                         When bees re-
                                                                         turn to the hive
                                                                         they either dis-
                                                                         tribute it to the
                                                                         other bees or
                                                                         else store it in
                                                                         the combs.

               Major Cleaning in the Hive
               During this period, the third job performed by the worker bees is clean-
            ing the hive, which is essential to the health of the colony. Bees of this age
            drag outside the hive all sorts of waste material—comb caps that have
            served their purpose, the bodies of bees which have died, remains of co-
            coons and waste materials from bees that have newly emerged from their
            cells—and deposit it some meters away. 21
               However, if something is too large for them to carry, they cover it with
            a substance known as propolis, also known as bee glue, which they pro-
            duce by adding saliva to the sticky resin that they gather from the buds of
            some trees. They then collect this substance in special structures called
            pollen baskets on their hind legs and carry it back to the hive. One charac-
            teristic feature of propolis is that it prevents any bacterial growth. 22
               Bees make a particularly accurate use of propolis’s bactericidal quali-

            ties. By using it to cover intruding insects that they have killed but which
            are too large for them to drag outside the hive, they engage in a kind of
            mummification process.
               If you carefully consider this last sentence, you will perceive the most
            astonishing details. Consider the way in which propolis is used and the
            functions performed by the bees.
               First of all, bees apparently know that when a living thing dies, its
            body will decay and that the substances resulting from its putrefaction

                                         Adnan Oktar
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