Page 40 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 40
particular job. Each one takes care of its own assign-
Everything in
ment, and the bees help out on another job only
the heavens
when something goes wrong in it. For that reason, a
and everything
bee does not become involved in both resin gather-
in the Earth
ing and patching and mummification, or also in
belongs to
dragging outside what has been mummified.
Although every bee in the hive possesses the ability God. All mat-
to perform all these tasks, it performs its own task in ters return to
the best possible manner and leaves the other jobs God. (Surah Al
to those of its fellows responsible for them. ‘Imran: 109)
Concerning the lives of the worker bees, one
very important point must not be forgotten. All the changes of task in
worker bees throughout their 5- to 6-week life spans are related to changes
in their bodies. While some glands cease to function, new ones begin to go
into action for an entirely different work.
During the bees’ comb-making period, for instance, their wax glands
develop. During the nursing phase, the glands mature that provide food
for the larvae. When they reach the sentry phase, suddenly their glands
start to secrete venom. If this were a chance development, then a great
number of problems would be experienced. During the larvae tending
phase, for example, venom might be secreted in the bees’ bodies instead of
royal jelly. That would spell the death of all the larvae and the extinction of
the bees. Yet no problem actually arises during the course of all these
changes, because everything happens in a very controlled manner, within
a flawless order. It would be impossible for such an ordered system to
come about through chance development.
In the fourth stage of their lives, worker bees undergo another change
of function.
Fourth Stage: Guarding the Hive
During the fourth stage of their lives, worker bees serve as guards at
the entrance to the hive. Another change takes place in their bodies; their