Page 59 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 59
Harun Yahya 57
side shrink together, thus ensuring their bodies make less contact with the
cold air.
The food in the honey stomachs of the outside bees is soon expended.
At this point, those bees on the outside and those on the inside change
places. By this method, bees are able to maintain the hive temperature at
35 degrees centigrade (95 F) even when the outside temperature drops as
far as -30 C (-22 F). 41
These solutions that bees employ in regulating the hive temperature
are exceedingly effective and practical. The question that needs to be con-
sidered is how they discovered these solutions and how they arrived at
the optimum hive temperature. It is most astonishing that an insect
should be able to make such fine calculations.
First, it is essential for there to be some organ for measuring tempera-
ture in the bee’s body. That being so the question then arises of how such
an organ, as sensitive as a thermometer, came to exist. Since bees could not
have come into possession of this system by chance, and cannot have
identified what the hive temperature should be and how to maintain it by
experimenting, then there must be a Power creating these abilities in bees.
It is impossible for bees to create all this themselves. Bees, most of
whose adults live less than a month, cannot have worked out the design
for this temperature-measuring system sited in their bodies, nor the infor-
mation about when and how to heat their hive, by themselves.
All this leads us to one conclusion: Everything bees do is inspired in
them by God, the Creator of all. The systems they possess and the match-
less artistry also point us to Him.
The Death of the Worker Bees
Worker bees bear the entire burden of the colony, and work without
stopping from the moment they emerge from the pupal stage. Due to this
heavy tempo, they only live for 3-4 weeks after they leave the hive and
begin gathering food.
The chief cause of the death of workers is their never-ending search for
Adnan Oktar