Page 60 - The Miracle of the Honeybee
P. 60


          A       n article in the pro-evolution  are more efficient on hot summer days.

                  magazine  New Scientist on 12
                                                 Harrison then researched the reason why
           A October 1996 stated that insect     bee flight was less efficient in winter. He
           flight was significantly inefficient and un-  concluded that the heat given off in inef-
           productive, and that only 6% of the meta-  fective, inefficient flights helped to keep
           bolic power expended was converted into  them warm on cold days. This occupies an
           mechanical power. The rest, it was    important role in regulating the hive tem-
           claimed, was dissipated in the form of  perature. The conclusion from these de-
           heat.                                 tailed studies was that bees’ wing muscles
           Jon Harrison of Arizona State University  serve two important purposes: to allow
           and his team then set about studying this,  the bee to fly, but also to establish the re-
           with astonishing results. There were actu-  quired temperature in the hive. Thanks to
           ally very important reasons for the low ef-  their wing design, bees were able to vary
           ficiency in flight. These results were  their heat production and flight efficiency
           published in a report titled “Achievement  according to the surrounding conditions
           of Thermal Stability by Varying Metabolic  and in light of their requirements.
           Heat Production in Flying Honeybees” in
                                                 As this example shows, scientists studying
           Science magazine (4 October 1996, Vol.
                                                 a creature cannot arrive at accurate find-
           274, pp. 88-90). In these experiments,
                                                 ings if they look for chance developments
           bees’ body temperatures, flight metabolic
                                                 or faulty features. We see very clearly that
           rates and wing-beat frequencies were
                                                 there are actually flawless features in na-
           measured by changing the air tempera-
                                                 ture: All life forms possess the exact char-
           ture around the hive. When the air tem-
                                                 acteristics they need, and always have.
           perature rose from 20 to 40 degrees
                                                 There can be no doubt that this is God’s
           centigrade (from 68 to 104 degrees
                                                 flawless creation, with His infinite might
           Fahrenheit), the wing-beat frequency de-
                                                 and wisdom.
           creased by 16% and the metabolic rate by
           50%, while their thoracic temperatures re-  When people engage in research with
           mained stable. Bees’ wing-beat frequen-  that perspective in mind—in other words,
           cies registered a fall, but caused no  when they seek to study that perfection—
           problem in flight. From all this, it was real-  they can witness the superior art of cre-
           ized that as the temperature rose, bee  ation in nature from much closer up and
           flight became more effective and produc-  achieve results much faster.
           tive. Bees’ muscles, it was thus discovered,
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